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Available Services
Adult Full Exam
Complete Eye Health Assessment-Please note that any special testing exams such as dilation test or vision therapy assessments can only be booked by calling the clinic. 403-912-2020 Provided by:
Dr. Emilie Yammine, Dr. Zoe Stein, Dr Hannah Taylor, Dr. Salina Kanji, Dr. Leanne Joly, Dr. Cristy Franco, Dr. Brandea Balcomb, Dr. Heather Cowie
Child Full Exam
Complete Eye Health Assessment-Please note that any special testing exams such as dilation test or vision therapy assessments can only be booked by calling the clinic. 403-912-2020 Provided by:
Dr. Emilie Yammine, Dr. Zoe Stein, Dr Hannah Taylor, Dr. Salina Kanji, Dr. Leanne Joly, Dr. Cristy Franco, Dr. Brandea Balcomb, Dr. Heather Cowie
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